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File A Claim

We are pleased to inform you that we are transitioning our UBIC direct book claims management services from Risk Administration Services (RAS) to UBIC and our partner, Universal Risk Services, LLC (URS) effective January 1, 2024.


UBIC and URS will now be the sole service provider for UBIC policy claims.


RAS will continue to service Dakota Trucking Underwriters (DTU) and First Dakota Indemnity (FDI) policy claims.


To report or file a UBIC policy claim see To File a UBIC Policy Claim below.


To report or file a DTU or FDI policy claim see To File a DTU or FDI Policy Claim below.

To File a UBIC Policy Claim

New Claim Submission:


Complete the Employers First Report of Injury Form (click here)


Send form to UBIC / URS as an email attachment, or via filedrop or by fax.



Sharefile URL:

Fax: 801-571-8165


To call and report by phone your UBIC / URS state adjuster:


Missouri: Lisa Vest  |  |  417-323-2514


Nevada: Jillian Christian  |  |  725-285-0397


Utah: Paola Stauffer  |  |  801-889-1311


Provider Billing:

Sharefile URL:


To File a DTU or FDI Policy Claim

Click here for easy online access to report or view a claim.


For questions about a claim or the claims process, please call RAS Customer Support Center at 1.877.585.1117


By email:



What To Do After An Injury


There are a few basic steps that should be initiated by each employer after an employee is injured on the job. The following will assist you in meeting those responsibilities.


  1. Make sure that the injured worker is provided the appropriate medical treatment. If necessary, arrange for transportation to an appropriate medical provider. In the event of a severe injury initiate appropriate emergency medical care including calling for the fire department or ambulance. Less severe injuries that are not threatening to life, limb, or vision can be directed to appropriate urgent care or medical services facility. 

  2. Post-accident drug testing should be done for every injured worker. Make sure that medical providers are aware of the need for each injured worker to receive a post-accident drug test.

  3. Complete the Employer's first report of injury. This form should be completed as timely as possible and forwarded to either URS or RAS. Upon completion, the form can be emailed, faxed or by file drop. 

  4. Try to provide modified or light duty to meet any restrictions that might limit the injured workers. Keeping your employees working in a productive and safe capacity is the most effective cost savings action an employer can take following an injury.


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